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Pneumatics and Hydraulics with K'Nex

Our Pneumatics and Hydraulics with K'Nex program provides our 3rd - 5th grade students the opportunity to discover STEM by exploring and engineering through the fascinating science of pneumatic (air) and hydraulics (water) using components of K’Nex.  We are honored to have Tonet Johnson, a master science teacher at Milwaukee College Prep and is a Lego Robotics coach as the program lead for this class.

Our Pneumatics and Hydraulics with K'Nex program provides our 3rd - 5th grade students the opportunity to discover STEM by exploring and engineering through the fascinating science of pneumatic (air) and hydraulics (water) using components of K’Nex.  We are honored to have Tonet Johnson, a master science teacher at Milwaukee College Prep and is a Lego Robotics coach as the program lead for this class.

The program allows students to work as a team to build different pneumatic and hydraulic machines.  Each build requires students to collaborate with one another and select and execute specific roles within the group, make and test their predictions, discuss adjustments to their machines, design and implement enhancements for better performance, and experience first hand the steps of the scientific method.  

Some of the activities & machines built throughout this 2022 in this program included;

  • a castle that has four walls, two turrets, and a drawbridge

  • a pneumatic launcher that will send a rocket 2 feet into the air

  • a pneumatic submarine that can go up and down in the water as the air pressure increases and decreases

  • a pneumatic catapult that will launch a missile at least three feet

  • a car that is powered by air

  • a hydraulic dump truck that can lift and dump a load

  • a hydraulic digger that can lift various objectives

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2022 Summertime Programming at FUL

Summer programming is essential for FUL, as it provides our scholars and our staff the open opportunity to deepen the bonds built through after-school programming. Here is an overview of FUL’s 2022 Summer Programming!

Creating bonds to empower scholars

School may not be in session during the summer, but for Future Urban Leaders summer is a time for us to: focus on providing our scholars with new experiences, build connections with fellow scholars, provide opportunities for them to learn more about themselves, and include fun in all of our activities. Summer programming is essential for FUL, as it provides our scholars and our staff the open opportunity to deepen the bonds built through after-school programming. Here is an overview of FUL’s 2022 Summer Programming!

June 14 - Scholar Showcase Event

Our Scholar Showcase Event is a culmination of FUL’s 2021-22 After-School Programming. Scholars have the opportunity to share what they have been busy learning about/working on throughout the school year’s programming. A few examples of what was shared by scholars;  

  • Entrepreneurs pitched their business enterprises and sold their products to guests

  • Artists exhibited their individual work, while also debuting the group mural they collaborated on  

  • Engineers showcased their knowledge of machination concepts through the use of Legos

  • Third graders led the audience in a few mindfulness strategies to clear our minds of outside stresses

  • Middle schoolers demonstrated for the audience how to center your body, soul, and mind through the practice of yoga

June 17 - FUL Graduation Celebration 

FUL’s Graduation Celebration was for our 8th graders transitioning to high school as well as our two high school seniors transitioning to college. At the event, our high school scholars were able to write letters of advice and encouragement to the incoming ninth graders.

June 24-26- Kettle Moraine Camping Trip 

Our high school scholars had the opportunity to collectively set up tents, build the campfire and prepare meals. During the weekend, scholars engaged in group discussions about high school, participated in night hikes, and experienced the peace and tranquility the outdoors provide a person's soul.

July 11-15 - HBCU Trip 

We were able to take 12 FUL high school scholars on a week-long trip along the East Coast. We toured five historically black colleges and universities and visited a few historical African American sites across states. 

Through all of the driving, our group experienced several "firsts", including experiencing Washington D.C.'s many wonders, and immersing ourselves in the Atlantic Ocean. Though we were drained upon our return to Milwaukee, the excitement from the experience with the scholars keeps us looking towards their endless possibilities.

July 20th - Devils Lake Hiking Trip 

We were able to take a group of scholars ranging from incoming fourth to seventh graders on a camping trip to Devil’s Lake. The trip was a blast! We spent our weekend hiking, swimming, grilling out, and bonding as a group.

August 6 - Registration Cookout

Our registration cookout is a tradition for FUL to get our staff, scholars, and families together before the start of the new school year. This year we were able to introduce FUL’s new Executive Director, Darnell Hamilton, as well as reconnect with some scholars and their families. 

Summer is a special time for Future Urban Leaders. We are very happy we were able to bring back a number of our summer programs this year, as they were canceled due to the COVID pandemic the past few summers. We are more excited than ever to begin a new school year with our scholars and to continue to watch them as they embrace and realize their full potential.

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Power in Creativity: Leadership Through Art

The power of creativity in children’s developing years is critical in learning how to express and cope with feelings. Creativity also expands a child’s mental growth by providing opportunities to try out new ideas, and new ways of thinking and problem-solving.

The power of creativity in children’s developing years is critical in learning how to express and cope with feelings. Creativity also expands a child’s mental growth by providing opportunities to try out new ideas, and new ways of thinking and problem-solving. Learning through creative activities, such as art, helps to acknowledge and celebrate our scholars' uniqueness.

During 2021, we were able to partner with Arts @ Large to introduce our elementary scholars how art can be used as a bridge to learning and practicing leadership.  

The program began with our FUL Values Project. During this Values Project, we would have an artist lead a unique activity each week that was centered around the FUL values of dignity, inclusivity, grit, and empowerment.  Scholars would have the opportunity to practice these values both individually and collectively through art and creatively expressing themselves.  

“We want to teach our scholars it is not what you do, it is the vibe you carry and how you do things, “ stated Adam, the program director at FUL.

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