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Holiday Fun for FUL Families

A review of our 2022 Holiday Party

Holiday cheer, music, activities, and fun filled the air on December 10, at our FUL Holiday Party! Nearly 200 people, nearly 50 FUL families joined us - making this our most attended event since 2019! 

"It was really great to have such a strong showing from the community,” said Ross Romenesko, FUL Co-Founder/Development Director.

Our Parent Advisory Board did an amazing job planning an entire suite of holiday activities for our families to participate in. The event began with Kwanzaa bingo, a raffle, and a taco bar! Families then moved into our activity room which was filled with games and activities including  gingerbread house building, a 360° photo booth, holiday ornament making, Kwanzaa candelabra decorating, holiday card making, and an ugly sweater contest! The entire event was surrounded with the sounds of holiday music. The event ended with announcing raffle winners and activity award winners.

We were so happy to see so many families join us and to be able to provide their entire families with a complete afternoon of holiday activities to enjoy together. A HUGE thank you to our Parent Advisory Board for making this event such a success! Thank you to everyone who joined us. Seeing the success of this event has us even more excited when we look to our 2023 events and goals! 

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future leader future leader

A Night of Thanks

FUL Donor Appreciation Event 2022

To celebrate our amazing community of supporters, last month we hosted our Donor Appreciation event. Over 120 donors, volunteers, staff, parents of FUL, and current and past students joined us as we explored the achievements of the past year that were made possible by those in the room. These achievements include:

  • Hosting our first online fundraising event, Power in FUL 

  • Taking 12 FUL high school scholars on our HBCU Trip out East to visit five different HBCUs

  • Opening up our Devil’s Lake Camping Trip to our younger scholars (4th grade and up)

  • Welcoming our new executive director, Darnell Hamilton

  • Revamping our website 

  • Partnering with the Greater Life Community Center as the new location for our high school programming

FUL graduate, Maximus Bryant, spoke about his experience with FUL and how his years with us prepared him for his first semester at MSOE. We recognized a number of donors in different categories for their support of our programs, hosted live music by Caché MKE, enjoyed delicious eats from Turning Tables, and signature drinks by the No Studios Mixology Team. The event brought in close to $11,000 to support our scholars and programs goals for 2023! 

It was a wonderful night that we were honored to host. Thank you to all who joined us and to ALL of our supporters.

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