Celebrating our Black Milwaukee Leaders

February is Black History Month. 

During this month, and throughout the year, we acknowledge the achievements of historic figures of the black community and their central role in American history. For 2023, we reached out to a number of local black leaders who are paving the way for Milwaukee youth and a better Milwaukee.  

LaNelle Ramey

What is your current leadership role?

I am the Executive Director of MENTOR Greater Milwaukee. I’m responsible for leading the push, charge and support for ALL things MENTORING for young people.  My role is to ensure that EVERY young person has a positive mentor in their life committed to helping them reach their full potential and personal destiny for their lives.

What qualities do you feel exemplify top-notch leadership? 

The true essence of leadership for me, is being able to see through all the negatives to find goodness.  A true leader understands that part of their role is to also listen as much as they are heard.  And most importantly a good leader knows when its time to follow and support from behind. 

What motivates your personal efforts of leadership in Milwaukee? 

What motivates me is I LOVE MY CITY.  I think Milwaukee is a beautiful place that goes unappreciated.  As a born and raised Milwaukeean, I believe it's my duty and responsibility to shine the light on our city’s greatness and possibilities. 

What words of encouragement can you offer to Milwaukee's future leaders? 

Don’t let anyone dictate your future and identity. You can choose greatness over mediocre.  Your block and skin color doesn’t define who you are and what you can become. Chase your dreams you have for yourself and don’t let anyone else distract you from that dream.

Clintel Hasan

What is your current leadership role?

I am the Co-Founder and CEO of LiberatED Consulting; Milwaukee Succeeds Strategic Initiative Manager for the Greater Milwaukee Foundation.

What qualities do you feel exemplify top-notch leadership? 

Top-notch leaders are grounded in their values and operate in alignment with them even when it's challenging. There will always be pressure to act in misalignment for a short-term win, but great leaders stay focused on the long-game. Additionally, leadership is about knowing the people around you and how best to connect, influence and serve them. Without authentic partnerships, one can't lead.

What motivates your personal efforts of leadership in Milwaukee? 

I am motivated by doing work that helps others. I think it's important to give back to your community and support others whenever possible. It can be challenging, but it makes the highs and wins much more meaningful.

What words of encouragement can you offer to Milwaukee's future leaders?

Know yourself deeply. Know your passions, strengths, challenges - everything. Also be mindful when they change! I have felt most confident in my own leadership when I'm the most self-aware.

Ke'Von Hamilton 

What is your current leadership role?

Golda Meir graduate ('18), Morehouse College graduate ('22), and current graduate student at The University of Georgia.

What qualities do you feel exemplify top-notch leadership? 

Integrity, perseverance, and gratitude. I believe these words are three qualities that build the exceptional character that allows you into rooms talent or money cannot. I take pride in knowing that I will do the right thing when no one's looking. Over time I started to understand that someone is always watching, so make sure you are representing yourself in ways you want to be viewed and judged.   

What motivates your personal efforts of leadership in Milwaukee? 

No matter what anyone says Milwaukee, Wisconsin is home to some of the brightest youth this world has to offer when given the opportunity to grow. Coming from the northside of Milwaukee I understand the challenges and disadvantages we face everyday we step outside. It is my duty to become a man of substance that I wish I had in my corner growing up.

What words of encouragement can you offer to Milwaukee's future leaders?

Although Milwaukee is home, know that the world is so much bigger than the city. Always remember where you're from as you continue along your journey and know that we didn't come this far to ONLY come this far. Reach for stars and don't let anyone talk you out of your dreams just make sure you have a plan. 

Emerald Mills

What is your current leadership role?

I am the Co-Founder of Turning Tables and Founder of Diverse Dining.

What qualities do you feel exemplify top-notch leadership? 

Servanthood - only what you do for others really counts.
Faith - what you see must be brighter than what it looks like.
Integrity - who you are is always more important than what you do.

What motivates your personal efforts of leadership in Milwaukee? 

My Faith motives me, it tells me that I can do all things through Christ and I dare to believe it.  I faced many challenges as a young person and often felt alone and hopeless (now I'm on hope road).  Christ transformed my life and I see miracles every day.  

What words of encouragement can you offer to Milwaukee's future leaders?

I promise you, you can go as far as you believe!!!!  No one else's beliefs or actions are powerful enough to change destiny. YOU GOT THIS - IM ROOTING FOR YOU.

Nate Deans, Jr.

What is your current leadership role?

Director of Black and Latino Male Achievement 

What qualities do you feel exemplify top-notch leadership?

I believe that I exemplify top-notch leadership because of my willingness to serve. The highest degree of leadership is to show others how to be a servant of your community, your responsibilities, and your career.

What motivates your personal efforts of leadership in Milwaukee?

I am motivated by my experiences growing up in Milwaukee and being connected to so many people that have had chances to thrive. Our city is a wonderful place and I want the work that we are doing in Milwaukee to be on display nationally. 

What words of encouragement can you offer to Milwaukee's future leaders?

Never forget that people in leadership are not there because they are just the “boss.” They are there because they have the heart and desire to see the people they are responsible for thrive in life. Being a leader means making tough decisions that’s in the interest of all people even when those you lead don’t always see the value in your decisions.

Odalo Ohiku

What is your current leadership role?

Founder of Ohiku Law Office and Deputy City Attorney in the Milwaukee Office of the City Attorney

What qualities do you feel exemplify top-notch leadership?

An uncanny ability to listen while concomitantly not taking critical feedback personally as well as an almost defiant insistence to serve and sacrifice for others are qualities I believe exemplify top-notch leadership. 

What motivates your personal efforts of leadership in Milwaukee?

I internalize the pressure, the hopes, the dreams, the agony, the pain, the setbacks, the obstacles, the ridicule, the racism, the roadblocks, the history of our being, the history of our lived experience, in America and abroad, and I ponder and reflect on how I can best extract ultimate utility out of each and every leadership opportunity I am given.   

What words of encouragement can you offer to Milwaukee's future leaders?

I encourage Milwaukee's future leaders to reject naysayers and embrace an unrelenting self-confidence and belief in themselves that the world is their oyster and they can accomplish anything they commit their minds to. Remember your mind is an extremely powerful ally. Harness its power by repeatedly telling it what you want to do. Now go get it! 

Alesia Miller

What is your current leadership role?

Founder/CEO Soul Brew Kombucha

What qualities do you feel exemplify top-notch leadership?

Effective leadership is really proven by the culture you create amongst your team.  Being able to give instruction based on the needs of your team is important but, being able to hear your team and adjust accordingly is priceless.  A top-notch leader will lead by example and sow into the lives of their teammates.  A true leader leads with empathy not sympathy.  

What motivates your personal efforts of leadership in Milwaukee?

Representation is key! It's my desire to posture myself as a role model to other young men and women as someone just like them with dreams and aspirations who never gave up. I am motivated by the understanding that dreams never expire and I'm one great idea away from creating history. 

What words of encouragement can you offer to Milwaukee's future leaders?

FAITH without WORKS is dead!  In order to achieve any goal you must put in the work so, don't look for the reward, just do the work.  It will come!

Lauren Nicole Feaster

What is your current leadership role?

CEO, Professional Dimensions

What qualities do you feel exemplify top-notch leadership?

To me, leadership is the ability to inspire autonomy and empower individuals towards collective action that advances a world where all individuals can flourish. A top-notch leader is able to convene individuals to set a vision that advances individual and collective goals.

What motivates your personal efforts of leadership in Milwaukee?

Responsibility, and the people I get to lead with.

What words of encouragement can you offer to Milwaukee's future leaders?

When I'm winning, you're winning - and vice versa. You're never alone on this journey. The destination is the journey.


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