CEOs of 2mro

CEOs of 2mro is our entrepreneur class for our FUL Intern students. CEOs of 2mro will provide opportunities for scholars to gain knowledge and insight to not only starting a business but running a business. Through interactive activities, students will brainstorm their ideas which will prepare them to actually launch a business.

CEOs of 2mro is led by Kaija Miller-Kyles, creator and owner of Kai Mone’t Consulting.  Ms. Miller-Kyles is a graduate of the University Of Wisconsin Whitewater and served six years in the United States Army National Guard and has been a business owner going on six years.

“Hearing the students actively talking about starting their business and being excited as we add on additional steps. They fully understand how setting goals and planning can lead them to much success,” stated Kaija Miller-Kyles, CEOs of 2mro Program Leader.

Over the course of the 12-week program, students will have: set intentional goals, determined their business market, learned about their ideal customer, created a lean business plan (including marketing strategies), and know how to file their business in the state of Wisconsin,  and potential startup costs.

For students and their families, CEOs of 2mro has made room for conversations such as salaries, career paths, future goals, and different aspects of entrepreneurial life between scholars and their parents. 

Lisa, the mother of FUL Intern Jay shared, “Jay would come home asking me, " Mom, what’s your annual salary? We have had conversations about who he wants to become, job salaries, different career paths, and more about his life beyond college.” 

CEOs of 2mro is helping scholars to think of different possibilities and choices for life beyond college. Jay is an avid video game lover. Before CEOs of 2mro, Jay wanted to be a professional video game player. After learning more about the earning potential, and other factors, Jay now wants to be a CEO of a video game design company. 

“I hope to continue seeing students grow and ask questions about how they can expand their business idea to make it a reality in the coming years. Some have ideas that, if pursued by those around them, could be implemented within the next 1-2 years.”

- Kaija Miller-Kyles, CEOs of 2mro Program Leader

“I believe this program aligns with the mission of Future Urban Leaders to provide students with unique learning experiences and exposure to opportunities that typically are not available to them.  I believe it is important for students to see someone like them, not too much older than them, and do something that is also attainable to them,” stated Ms. Miller-Kyles.


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