FUL Leadership Speaks, Connects, and Networks with Like-Missioned Local Groups

JLH Social Impact Fund Boldy Creates Change for Black Owned Business Owners and Black Led Organizations

In July of 2020, New Orleans Pelicans player, Jrue Holiday, and his wife Lauren boldly pledged the remainder of Jrue’s 2020 NBA salary as a progressive step toward combating systemic racism and socioeconomic inequality that continues to prevent Black communities from upward mobility.

The Jrue and Lauren Holiday Social Impact Fund mission is to boldly create change for Black businesses and organizations.

Jrue and Lauren Holiday have since continued to support local Black-led non-profit organizations and city-wide initiatives through forming the Jrue and Lauren Holiday  Social Impact Fund. 

The Jrue and Lauren Social Holiday Impact Fund’s mission to boldly create change for Black businesses and organizations by providing funding to Black-led groups that seek to bring about equitable outcomes for Black and Brown communities, and historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) of higher education in New Orleans, the Los Angeles area, Indianapolis, and Milwaukee. 


“We look at all JLH Social Impact Fund recipients as part of our extended family and look to our community as a whole to join us in supporting the businesses and non-profits who need us the most.” -Jrue & Lauren Holiday

In 2021, Future Urban Leaders was a JLH Social Fund Grantee as one of Milwaukee’s Black-led nonprofits. This past month, our Executive Director, Darnell Hamilton was asked to speak on the impact of FUL in the Milwaukee community, and about the work they are accomplishing with the city's youth. 

This event was an amazing opportunity to meet other Black-led, and Black-owned businesses in the Milwaukee area and to network with organizations with shared mission’s to ours. 

“To be in a space with Milwaukee’s change makers in the black community was awe inspiring. FUL has the opportunity to tap into those sources for potential partnerships, making my attendance at the event all the more pivotal.” 
— Darnell Hamilton, Future Urban Leader’s Executive Director.

Having the opportunity to be a part of such an inspiring class of grantees AND to meet a number of other individuals, organizations, and local businesses is essential to working towards the common goal of creating more equitable outcomes for Black and Brown communities. We are excited and inspired for what the future holds for our programming, our scholars, and their futures as leaders in our community and beyond. 

Learn more about the Jrue and Lauren Social Impact Fund.


A Night of Thanks


2022 Summertime Programming at FUL