Meet Darnell Hamilton, Future Urban Leaders New Executive Director!

Meet Darnell Hamilton! Future Urban Leaders new Executive Director!

We are all super excited to share the news of Future Urban Leaders new Executive Director, Darnell Hamilton! As a way to introduce Darnell, we asked him a few questions:

1.What about FUL gets you most excited? 

Well, I can't just name one thing that excites me, but the thought of being part of FUL intrigues me to the FUL-est (see what I did there ). Here we have an organization whose mission is centered around the holistic development of young people, exposing them to the various layers of the world which they live in. The vision of merging my experience with our constituents' wealth of knowledge is driving my elation. 

Our young people are amazing as is and I am honored to have the opportunity to participate in their continued growth towards civic leadership.

2. How would you define a leader? 

Ending my previous response with the theme of leadership highlights my impression of the word. Leadership is knowing when to lead, and knowing when and how to pass the mic to other leaders in the room. I've interacted with individuals who feel as though they need to be the face and voice in the room at all times, though impact is not necessarily predicated on who is the loudest in the room (this coming from someone who projects with volume). When we collectively center ourselves and others in an equitable manner, we've provided a fine example to scholars of what makes a leader. Being secure in one's self is being aware that your leadership will impact more than self. It's being free to pour selflessly into something that will create the highest impact for others: when one of us wins, we all win.

3. What do you think is the Power in FUL? 

In meeting parents, scholars, team members, volunteers, and board members, it is clear that the way in which the community shows up and comes together is the power of FUL. I've participated in a few events to kick off my introduction to FUL, and I am ecstatic to see the collaborative efforts amongst all involved. Whether or not the cameras are on, the joy I've witnessed on the faces of community members has made me aware that I am in for one fantastic experience. By coming into this space, I aim to maximize our collaborative efforts in order to deliver more powerful moments in our scholars' worlds. 

4. What are your high-level goals for the 2022-2023 school year?

Several goals have been set up for my first year as Executive Director, from seeking out more community partners for programming, to identifying more funders whose sponsorships will support more impacts for our scholars. With so many wheels already turning towards the start of the school year, it is most essential that I ease the FUL team into this transition. I am a stranger in a new land, and familiarizing myself with all things FUL sits atop my list with most significance. Whether it's strengthening the relationships with our donors; whether it's introducing myself to the families we serve, ensuring them that our programming will continue to peel back the layers of our scholars' onions (and by onions I mean brains ); whether it's earning the trust of the FUL team, making it clear why I was chosen to lead. The goals are ever present in my routine, waiting to be met one day at a time. 

5. Who is one of the leaders in your life?

I insist that my response not leave a single soul out. The leaders who've poured into me over the years (going back as far as 1996) have played a major role in my continued growth. They're models of how I live up to my values that consist of authenticity, integrity, curiosity, and humility to name a few. Simply put, they are my village. As the saying goes, "it takes a village...", and trust me when I say that many hands have played a role in molding me. Whether it's the words of James Baldwin's The Fire Next Time, the words of bell hooks's All About Love, or witnessing the daily grind of my mother...the multitude of individuals that I've collected over the course of my life have provided me with the most powerful influences to take into this role. I guess you can say the leader(s) in my life are my sangha, as a true community possesses more than one.


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