THank you!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our first online fundraising event, Power in FUL!

Together we raised $13,575 to help fund our 2023 HBCU Trip and to fund our FUL Scholarship Fund for graduating FUL students. Your support means the world to all of us at Future Urban Leaders, our staff, our volunteers, our families, and of course our scholars.

Thank you to our sponsor!


Day one

We are excited to start our week off with showcasing one of our 2022 graduating FUL seniors, Max. Max will be attending Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) to pursue a degree in engineering this fall. 

"Future Urban Leaders has connected me to individuals at a few campuses I was interested in, signed up for tours of campuses, and gave me all the tools I needed to make my decision. I am happy and excited to be attending MSOE this Fall." -Maximus

Day Two

Meet Erin, a 2022 FUL graduate! Erin has always had a profound interest in art and he plans to start his life as a student at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design (MIAD) next year on their MERIT Scholarship where he will be studying Illustration and Communication Design.

“I have always wanted to pursue art. Future Urban Leaders picked up on my passion for art since being a young scholar and have helped connect me to opportunities to grow my skills and passion since." -Erin

Day Three

At Future Urban Leaders, we are dedicated to our scholars and providing them with whatever support looks like for them to pursue their dreams. Now we need your support to help bring our dreams to life for our scholars.

Both our HBCU Trip and our FUL Scholarship Fund are ways that we are able to equip our Leadership Fellows (high school students) with the tools they need to make the best decisions for their next chapter in life beyond high school graduation.

Day Four

“If any word I would have to say about the leaders and FUL is genuine. You know that they are truly 100% there for the kids and want to see their best outcomes.” ~Jennifer, a FUL parent

The power in FUL spans beyond our scholars by positively impacting their relationships at home and as leaders in our community.

Day Five

“The point of Future Urban Leaders isn’t to do well after school, it’s where are these skills and these qualities, and these characteristics, how are you going to utilize them in your life?” ~Adam Krueger, FUL Program Director 

Your Impact